Wednesday, September 1, 2010


Gahh! Exciting!

You know how all those really good blogs have tons of awards they've been gifted?

Well, that fabulous hot-to-trot mama over at thepunkrockmom (definitely check her out!) just made me feel pretty special with this little number for "rocking her socks off daily" :)

The Rules:

*thank the person that gave you the award (just did, and also had to ask her about an attack...see her blog!)

*list 7 things about you that you haven't revealed to the bloggy-verse as of yet

* pass them on to the bloggers that deserve them

Some sweet facts!

1.) My little pup, Q, has only three legs. He lived with my husband's parents for a little while during Josh's first deployment (before he and I met) and he got into the street. He was hit, and my in-laws' Boxer dog jumped the fence and stood guard over him to keep him safe.

They are still fast friends! :)

2.) I used to dress my youngest brother up like a gypsy and force him to wear make up and head scarves.

3.) I love the taste of banana chapstick, but have not found that flavor since I was 9. Sad.

4.) My father is a volunteer firefighter so we have a police scanner in our house. I was terrified of it as a child because I thought they could hear me/were talking to me all the time.

5.) My grandmother bought me my first "I'm 21!" drink. It was a bright blue something at a Chinese karaoke bar.

6.) People CONSTANTLY tell me they've seen me before, I look familiar, I must have a twin. Either that or compare me to movie stars that look nothing alike, and nothing like me. (Winona Rider? Uma Thurman? Kate Winslet? Got 'em all.)

7.) My husband has NO SHAME whatsoever, while I can't stay in the room if someone is embarrassing themselves on TV. I seriously cannot handle it.

Now onto the good part!

I am passing this along to...

Love me some blog love.


  1. Thanks hun! I'll be adding you to my awards page :)

  2. You are so very welcome! I adore your blog and you definitely deserve it!
    Oh and banana flavored lip gloss? I am so there! Now I'm on the look out for it!
    And I know what you mean about having to leave the room if someone is embarrassing themselves on TV (or otherwise)! LOL! I am the same way!
    Ps- Yeah my teacher got attacked by some thugs or something on a photo shoot in Rio! :O ! She's ok tho! Thank the good Lord!
